Saturday, January 7, 2012

Week One

SO it is official- Core Physical Therapy is up and running!!  I would like to try to do monthly articles on injuries and prevention tips as well as addressing strength and flexibility concerns of all patient populations.  I would also like to engage discussions on owning a business and day to day dealings with any advice offered greatly appreciated.. Here is to a great 2012 and the adventure that lies ahead. I can't wait!!!


  1. Congrats on the new business & can't wait to read all your great tips!

  2. I am sooo happy for you.
    Welp, I guess I'll mention a few topics... As most runners and other people who work out know the importance of stretching, other beginners may not. I think it is very important to take care of your body even if its not screaming at you for attention, in other words, stretch even though you don't feel "tight". This may help prevent injuries/strains that can be common in beginners and those "advanced players" lol. Also, being nice to your hip flexors and hamstrings is something I have found that pains me when running after a while. I know you are a fan of dynamic stretches before running, but what do find works best afterwards? more dynamic or static?

    With other common injuries, I'd have to go with upper trapezius muscle spams aka the student syndrome :) as well as low back pain in reference to posture/body mechanics/CORE STRENTH AND STABILITY and plantar fasciitis.

    I think you may have all of the above on your lovely wall at the sports center :)

    Take care and tah tah for now :)


    Thank you for encouraging me to run again...
